Wildseed Farms

Tall Poppy Mallow - 3209

Regular price $3.45

Callirhoe leiocarpa (Malvaceae)

An upright, drought tolerant, annual variety native to the South Central United States. Dark purplish-red to wine colored flowers close each evening and remain permanently shut after pollination. Prefers a light, rich, sandy loam soil in full sun to partial shade. Plant with its cousin Wine Cup for a stunning display!

Suggested Use: As an accent along fence lines, rock gardens and butterfly habitats.

Produces a slender taproot making transplanting difficult. A prolific re-seeder.

Average Planting Success: 70%
Height: 2 - 3 feet
Germination: 28 - 59 days
Optimum Soil Temp. for Germination: 68°F - ­75°F
Sowing Depth: 1/16"
Blooming Period: March - August
Average Seeds Per Pound: 128,650
Seeds/Pkt: 100 - covers 25 sq.ft.
1 oz Covers: 680 sq.ft.
Seeding Rate: 4 lbs. per acre

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