Wildseed Farms

Johnny-Jump-Up - 3249

Regular price $4.00
Viola cornuta (Violaceae)
A compact annual or perennial, native to Spain and the Pyrenees Mountains. This variety has been used extensively in floral gardens and has escaped from cultivation to roadsides, fields and waste areas throughout much of the United States. The vibrant blooms are deep purple and yellow, creating a solid carpet of color for weeks. Prefers partial shade to full sun in rich, well-­drained soil.

Suggested Use: Around the base of trees, flower beds, containers, borders.
Miscellaneous: Keeping the faded blossoms picked will prolong the blooming period.

Average Planting Success: 70%
Height: 7 - 10 inches
Germination: 14 - 21 days
Optimum Soil Temp. for Germination: 65°F - ­75°F
Sowing Depth: 1/16"
Blooming Period: March - August
Average Seeds Per Pound: 408,000
Seeds/Pkt: 700 - covers 20 sq.ft.
1 oz Covers: 681 sq.ft.
Seeding Rate: 4 lbs. per acre

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